We’re All God’s Children, a 501 (c)(3) tax-deductible organization, offers short-term mission trips to those seeking to serve others, both domestically and internationally. Since it was founded in 2005, volunteers have joined us in serving the less fortunate in Appalachia and on Native American reservations, as well as in Kenya, Zambia, Haiti and El Salvador.
While one goal is to help those who are unable to help themselves due to economic, educational and/or medical hardships, another just as important goal is to offer volunteers the opportunity to grow their faith and share their blessings with others.
We partner with individuals and organizations that are already working to improve the lives of those living in poverty in their own communities. Our purpose is to come alongside them and support them in these efforts to bring hope to the hurting with dignity and respect.
Founded by a Christian Board, our belief is that everyone, everywhere is an integral part of God’s family. We are called to serve others regardless of their current status and offer them the love and forgiveness of Christ. In the process, our faith is challenged and strengthened.
If you want to experience a truly life-changing experience, join us on one of our scheduled trips. We do all the planning and make all the arrangements for you. We hold training meetings prior to departure and also offer fundraising suggestions. Look around our site or contact us with specific questions. Take the plunge – you’ll be glad you did!
Print out our General Brochure for more information on our programs.
In order to achieve our vision our goals are:
Our vision is a world where individuals who have the love of God in their hearts can come together with others of like faith, to reach out and touch those who live in spiritual, physical, and/or emotional darkness, with the light of healing that only faith in Christ can bring.
We believe in the tri-unity of God – one God, sovereign Creator and Sustainer of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of God and therefore truly God and truly man. He died on the cross to atone for our sin and to reconcile us to God and on the third day rose bodily from the dead. He will come again to earth – physically, visibly, and bodily – to judge the living and the dead, and to consummate the eternal plan of God.
We believe the Holy Spirit indwells in our hearts when we accept Christ as Savior. He gives new life to us, empowers us and imparts gifts for service. He instructs and guides us into all truth and seals us for the day of redemption.
We believe the Christian Church consists of all those who trust Jesus as Savior and follow Him as Lord. In fellowship, we live out our deep commitment to love one another.
In discipleship, we follow the call of the Lord Jesus to obey and to teach all things commanded by Him. In ministry, we identify and offer our God-given gifts and talents for God’s glory. In mission, we proclaim the Gospel to all people and minister to human need as Jesus did.
Donating is the simplest way you can get involved and help others. 100% of your tax-deductible donation will go to help people in need.